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WP3.2: Outcomes

The main outcomes for WP3 are 4 show-case models of G2B cross-border e-services.​ These show-case models are practical tools for G2B services development, helping relevant public institutions to realize the opportunities of digitalization and understand its possible benefits.


Feasibility studies:

DIGINNO show-case roadmaps:

KYC show-case dissemination:

An example of how the KYC will be conducted from the perspective of a private person.




An example of how the KYC will be conducted from the perspective of the obliged entity.









Please find the summaries of the show-cases by clicking on the boxes below.

Cross-border e-CMR
Paperless consignment notes in road transport, recognised by responsible institutions and used by businesses.
Cross-border KYC process
Once-only KYC profile (app/portal/utility) which uses already existing, validated and automatically updated data in real-time and machine-readable way from different databases.
Cross-border eReceipt application 

eReceipt enables both the seller and the buyer to simply and efficiently have real-time data on all their transactions and their overall economic situation.

business registration using eIDAS 
Centralized platform where the applicant can log in using eIDAS to either perform a search or apply to register a business enterprise without travelling to the destined member state.


Lead Partner

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia

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