A unique network for innovative solutions in public-private co-operation to speed up the process towards the Baltic Sea Region digital single market.

The implementation period of DIGINNO project (2017-2020) has ended and the results have been reached. Find more info about the project outcomes under ABOUT.
DIGINNO has an extension project DINNOCAP. Find out more about the spin-off project by visiting https://www.dinnocapbsr.eu/.
15 December, 2020
"Digital Future of the BSR?" Conference
After 3 years the DIGINNO project for digital collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region has come to an end.
The final DIGINNO Innovation virtual event takes place on 15 December to present the project’s achievements and reflect on how they can inspire the future of digitalization in the region. Invited are project partners, collaboration partners, and others from the BSR private and public sector who is interested in digitalization and developing efficient systems for logistics and public/private companies. Feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and network.
The event takes place online.
Please register HERE.
More info reet.reismaa@mkm.ee
16 December, 2020
DIGINNO Full Group Meeting
The final meeting for the full partners as well as the associated partners takes place. The meeting will focus on a joint evaluation of our project and discuss its spin-offs and outcomes with the focus on the future.
The meeting is organized online.
Please register HERE.
More info reet.reismaa@mkm.ee
Finnish partner events
DIGINNO's Finnish partner organizes events for sharing experiences, identifying new business opportunities and future trends, exploring testing and piloting activities, and formulating collaborative development actions.
Please look more information and news about Finnish partner events here: https://fiif.fi/events/.