Today and tomorrow, the third real-time economy (RTE) roundtable is held in Laulasmaa to focus on the most important borderless RTE services and solutions across the Baltic Sea region. Among other topics, experts will also discuss the law amendment according to which all Estonian public sector accounting from the beginning of July will be based solely on eInvoices.
„With open arms we welcome the state’s decision to go for paperless accounting processes which help to save time and money and focus on things that really matter. I hope the new law enforcement will speed up the process of other important RTE accounting projects, such as the private sector’s transition to eInvoices and the wider usage of eReceipt,” said Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication Deputy Secretary General for Internal Market Kristi Talving.
Central theme of the roundtable is to develop a tangible real-time economy action plan for Estonia and strengthen RTE vision in the Baltic Sea region as a whole. Roundtable is attended by the area’s experts in the field of tax management, accounting, environment, retail etc., and the presentations give a thorough overview of ongoing and new RTE projects. Special focus is put on eReceipt and the development of a borderless eReceipt solution. “We have done a great job with eInvoice and I don’t see any reason why eReceipt shouldn’t receive the same success. During the discussions, we would like to understand when and on which technical support or standard would eReceipt function between Baltic Sea countries,” added Talving.
Real-time economy thrives to provide the tools and know-how to integrate all digital solutions and processes in companies internally and also between other companies’ similar activities; all this, to decrease the state’s management responsibilities spent on accounting systems of public institutions, companies and residents. The ultimate goal is to move away from paper-based economy and focus on comprehensive activities that really matter.
According to Külli Kraner, Head of Trade and Services Divison of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, RTE roundtable discussions help to develop an integrated, paperless administration between Estonia and other Baltic Sea region countries. “Real-time economy does not reckon national borders and good relationships with our neighbouring countries is the key to reach the RTE goals we have set. Borderless e-services simplify all information and documentation exchange process between countries and companies, and projects with a same goal are the foundation to succeed in it,” said Kraner.
Real-time economy roundtable takes place in Laulasmaa Spa Hotel on February 25th and 26th. Roundtable event is formally opened by Janek Rozov, Government Chief Digital Officer of Economic Affairs and Communication, and attended by experts from Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Denmark. RTE first roundtable took place a year ago in Tallinn and the last event in May in Helsinki. The goal of the roundtable events is to create a convenient and integrated e-service network in the Baltic Sea region and maintain Nordic-Baltic countries’ RTE leader position in the world.
The roundtable is organised by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and DIMECC Ltd in close cooperation with Technology Industries of Finland, The Finnish Ministry of Finance, and Interreg BSR projects DIGINNO (www.diginnobsr.eu ) and PACINNO-2 ( www.pa-innovation.eu ).
Additional information: Reet Reismaa, reet.reismaa@mkm.ee Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Sirli Heinsoo, sirli.heinsoo@itl.ee Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunication