On the 5th of March 2019 during the Time Economic Forum in Warsaw, the DIGINNO Innovation Session was held. The session focused on innovation creation and implementation in companies, from the management side of the things. Digital transformation of industry requires new management methods. The goal of the session was to engage participants to search for answers for the following questions: how to effectively develop new solutions and processes in organisations, how to effectively bring them to life, how to collaborate, both internally and with entities external to organizations to achieve the best results for the business.
The session was divided into two parts – during the first part participants had a chance to hear expert presentations. The topic “Industry 4.0 – managerial challenges – effectively implementing innovations and managing change in organisations” was discussed by Łukasz Kowalik, Empirium, whereas the topic “Design Thinking as the innovation generation method in digitalization process in company/ team” was presented by Magdalena Sadowska-Pożycka, Siemens. A key element of the session was a team work and a joint creation of ideas for companies which are willing to be more innovative, to make the best use of the opportunities brought by the modern technology.
In the latter part of the session, Andrzej Soldaty, the leader of the project Platform for the Industry of the Future (Platforma Przemysłu Przyszłości), introduced participants with this initiative. Ph. D. Knud Erik Skouby, Aalborg University (Copenhagen), the Danish partner of the DIGINNO project, presented preliminary results of the business needs assesment which is executed within the DIGINNO project. The whole session was summarized by Krzysztof Chełpiński, member of the management board of KIGEiT.