On the 28th of May DIGINNO WP3 partners had a meeting in Tallinn. After a long time, all project partners were finally together and presented each other the outcome of G2B gross-border e-service development that the small teams were working from the beginning of previous winter.
The four services that the partner had chosen beforehand and were focusing:
- Cross-border eCMR - paperless consignment notes in road transport - Cross-border business registration with Integrated eIDAS Framework - Cross border remote Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes – Financial sector - Cross-border eReceipt application
In November last year, right after the service design training was over, all the show-case teams started to work extremely hard as the goal was to have a description or a vision of the gross-border e-service written down in the end of the spring 2019. For gathering information and finding out all the different aspects that needed to be considered, it was crucial for each show-case to find and engage as much local stakeholders as possible. In every show case the work was like putting together a puzzle – some of them had more pieces to be fit together than others and as there were so many different countries involved, this assignment was not an easy task. There were numerous local meetings, international meetings between smaller and larger teams, face-to-face meetings and online meetings. Finally, in the end of May DIGINNO project partners came together to share the work that was done inside the show-case and also what steps will follow.
Huge thank you for all the people and companies outside the DIGINNO project who took time and made a large contribution. Without them it would not be possible to have the vision of those four services.
The next stage in DIGINNO project will be drafting the policy recommendations taking into account the findings from the show-cases works!