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Industry 4.0 study trip to Denmark

On the 11th of June, an Industry 4.0 study trip was organized as part of the DIGINNO project WP2. The organizer was Aalborg University Copenhagen (AAU) in collaboration with the Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE). The event was carried out online due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

The first part was an interactive session with Merete Nørby, an International Senior consultant, MADE. Merete presented the work of MADE as a platform for collaboration between Danish research, industry, and innovation partners in topics related to the digitalization of manufacturing industries. The second interactive session was a virtual visit of the AAU industry 4.0 laboratory “Smart Production Lab” providing opportunities for SMEs to collaborate with AAU in integrating and testing their solutions.

A considerable interest for MADE and the lab was demonstrated during and after the event, including new contacts built across the Baltic Sea Region.

Further information: Idongesit Williams, AAU,

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