Odense Robotics (https://www.odenserobotics.dk/) is a cluster for start-ups in Denmark. The cluster consists of 132 robotic startups. Industry associations, Public sector agencies, educational institutions, and funding agencies support the cluster.

The Problem
The adoption of industry 4.0 practices in Denmark is on the rise among SMEs. Most of their production processes will require the assistance of Robots. Currently, companies such as Blue Ocean Apps among other companies are leading the way. However, as the global adoption of robots grows, so will demand. Hence there was the need to help facilitate start-ups that will meet this demand.
The Solution and Benefits
A Robotics start-up hub was created in Odense Denmark. The hub gives Robotics start-ups free development space and business support. It also provides the developers with a low-cost solution towards designing, testing, and marketing of their products. The startup is given about 24 months to prove itself. Out of this cluster, about 70 robotics and automation start-ups have emerged, employing about 1800 people.